Wait! You are telling me I do not have to pay Realtor Association annual fees? It's FREE - FOREVER?

Realtors – Get our FREE guide to learn how to easily Opt-Out of needless Association dues, save thousands  –  Even the MLS is Optional

Discover the shocking, shameful secret why the Association of Realtors has been hiding this from agents for decades...

Agents join the Realtor ® Association because they’re told they have no choice. But there is. It’s just there is a reason they’d rather you didn’t know about this.

 Our guide reveals the shameful reason behind why this option exists. 

But there are more reasons too – About 3 Billion reasons.

Every year the association of Realtors® collect over $3 billion. And where does it go? Not in your pocket surely.

 With our free guide you’ll find out just why the Association of Realtors® have been happy to accept a failure rate that shows over 80% of new agents fail in the first two years of being licensed and how you can be one of those that succeed

Agents - Be honest. What do the Association do to earn those fees?

If you said training, answer this. Did they teach you there’s no need to pay them?  EVER?

Ask yourself this. If there are no payments, ever, what’s in this for Easy Realty? Well actually, nothing. You see we only make money if you make money so we have a vested interest in your success. Let us show you how ‘Easy’ it is to make a good living either in your spare time or full time working in Real Estate.

"I grew increasingly frustrated searching for a Real Estate Company that would show me how to make money in Real Estate. After months I found Easy Realty, an MLS Only Broker & I joined the team. I am so glad I did! They're hands on with great information, guidance & advice. There's an excess of training for agents at their fingertips
Tricia Dennis
Licensed Real Estate Agent

Did you know? It does not matter where in Florida you are. 'MLS of choice' allows you to keep your local MLS - . Plus there is an Alternate Multiple Listing Service that covers ALL of Florida with a monthly fee (not an annual fee) & NO CONTRACT. Turn it on or off at will. We show you how to take advantage of these options. It's EASY

Did you know? There are motivated sellers ready to list their home for sale that can easily be found. You just need to know where to look. We'll show you how to find them as well as how have them want ONLY you to sell it for them.

"It is virtually impossible to find non realtor real estate brokers. The Broker Greg is readily available whenever I have a question. His knowledge is encyclopedic too in guiding me. I am so glad I switched my license over and I am both making and saving more."
Ken Davenport
Licensed Real Estate Agent

Are you a real estate agent looking to increase the number of deals while reducing costs? Do you want to eliminate monthly or annual fees? Look no further. In our ultimate guide, we will show you how Easy Realty, a Thompson Broker, helps you avoid annual Realtor Association dues and as a Thompson Agent you’ll keep your real estate license active for FREE FOREVER!

Ask yourself, or any other Realtor (statistically you likely know 8) ‘What does the Realtor Association, be they National, State and / or regional do in return for those annual fees?’ You’ll likely get the same answer – Nothing. So why pay them? You can just pay for the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) but even that is optional.

The vast majority of Licensed Realtors have another job. Why? Because they majority of deals are done by a tiny minority of full time agents. Do you think that’s why the attrition rate for new agents is over 80% after 2 years. They give up. Why? Maybe its all those fees and little or few deals. As a Thompson Agent, you can keep your license active, for free, forever. Then when you do find a deal you have experts on hand to call and guide you to ensure the deal is done correctly first time. 

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